Jeep diagnóstico

Puede leer la versión en inglés del manual de usuario de WJdiag Pro en

Muchos de nuestros clientes tienen un gran problema leyendo los códigos de error de Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD. Es posible ver los códigos de avería de motor con el método de encendido/apagado (ON/OFF), pero usted no puede borrar los fallos sin la herramienta de diagnóstico correcta. Tampoco desconectar la batería borrará los códigos de error en el 2.7 CRD Jeep Grand Cherokee. Algunas veces el auto borrará los errores él solo después de cambiar la pieza averiada y conducir unos cuantos kilómetros, pero no siempre. Hasta hoy éstos han sido leídos correctamente y borrados utilizando los aparatos de diagnóstico DRB III y Bosch KTS. Esos dispositivos son bastante caros y no es razonable comprarlos para uso privado. Así que decidimos crear un software gratuito de diagnóstico que es compatible con el Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD 2002-2005 y que podría funcionar con un dispositivo más barato. Así que nosotros hicimos nuestro propio software de diagnóstico, diseñado para leer/borrar errores de motor y transmisión de Jeep WJ CRD. Nuestro software de diagnóstico Jeep es muy básico y no se puede comparar con equipos de diagnóstico profesional. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar al propietario a ver y borrar códigos de errores rápidamente sin la necesidad de ir al taller y pagar dinero por ello. Es mayormente para personas que a veces gustan reparar sus propios autos en el garaje de su casa. Nuestro software de diagnóstico Jeep nunca se venderá por dinero, – es gratis para siempre, para todo el mundo.

Viecar ELM327 diagnostic device J1850

Para el hardware, escogimos el escáner de diagnóstico ELM327 que cuesta 10 euros (chino, no genuino) en eBay y todo propietario puede adquirirlo. La versión actual está basada en Windows y funciona con el adaptador ELM327. Si no ocurren errores durante la fase de prueba, haremos también una versión Android. En nuestros autos de prueba, este nuevo software lee códigos de errores de motor y transmisión y los borra.  Otros módulos como ABS, carrocería, instrumentos, etc. no son compatibles. No hay explicación de los códigos en el programa de diagnóstico, solo muestra que códigos de errores están almacenados en el motor y la caja de cambios de su auto. Usted puede revisar explicaciones en o simplemente puede buscarlos en google, hay muchísimos tutoriales en Internet. Hay que mencionar que los códigos de error de Jeep diésel y gasolina son diferentes, así que si usted mira en el Internet, busque solamente códigos 2.7 CRD. Como este es un motor Mercedes, muchos códigos son iguales que en MB.

Nuestro escáner de errores Jeep esta basado en Windows y debe funcionar en Windows XP y superior. Nosotros lo probamos con XP 32-bit , Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 con ELM327 versión USB y Windows 8.1 tableta con ELM327 versión BT y funciona perfectamente. El software se conecta con ELM directamente al puerto COM y si usted usa la versión BT, entonces usted debe ajustar el ELM327 y conectarlo con el ordenador antes de utilizar nuestro programa. También asegúrese de que tiene los drivers BT correctamente instalados en su ordenador.

Usted necesita tener instalado Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 o superior en su computadora. La mayoría de las computadoras ya lo tienen.

Por favor tenga en cuenta que ésta es una versión de prueba y no podemos asegurarle que funcionará perfectamente en cada Grand Cherokee 2.7. Es por esto que es muy importante para nosotros recibir sus comentarios sobre el programa, que funciona, que no y cómo podemos hacerlo mejor.

Hay problemas con clones BlueTooth ELM327 chinos. Estos problemas son causados por chips ELM chinos que no soportan todos los comandos ELM. La interfaz ELM327 tiene un protocolo de comando especifico para comunicación. China esta clonando todo lo que es posible, pero algunas veces estos clones no están funcionando como se esperan. Lo mismo con este dispositivo – funciona parcialmente, pero esto no es suficiente. No podemos hacer algo al respecto. Con dispositivos problemáticos ELM327, usted obtendrá respuestas: Communication error? Fake ELM!

Evite clones BT ELM327 chinos, éstos no funcionan correctamente! Nosotros probamos muchos clones BT ELM, pero no hemos encontrado ningún clon BT que respalde correctamente comandos ELM! Cuando encontremos uno, actualizaremos este sitio.

Recientemente descubrimos que el dispositivo chino llamado Viecar BT 4.0 también funciona bien. Es un dispositivo barato, el precio en Aliexpress es de unos 10 euros, los precios de la UE para el mismo dispositivo son más altos, 20 ... 40 euros. La imagen de Viecar BT 4.0 está en el lado superior de esta página. Si decide comprar un dispositivo Viecar, obtenga una coincidencia exacta con esta imagen, porque Viecar fabrica muchos dispositivos ELM327 y otros modelos no funcionarán. También puede obtener este dispositivo en nuestra página de la tienda.
Viecar ELM327 diagnostic device J1850

ELM327 BT con chip original trabaja bien. Algunos clones USB chinos parecen estar funcionando también. De cualquier manera, China es un país de sorpresas y nunca se sabrá lo que se obtiene – dispositivo que funciona o basura. Si usted quiere estar seguro, compre un dispositivo con chip ELM327 genuino.

Actualización 13.11.2018

Terminamos con WJdiag Pro y lo subimos a Google Play. Con WJdiag Pro puede acceder a todas las unidades de control del Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD. La versión Pro tiene muchas oportunidades y puede ayudar a solucionar cualquier problema eléctrico. La versión Pro está disponible para su compra.

WJdiag Free se mantendrá libre para todos. Con la versión gratuita puede leer y borrar los códigos de falla del motor y la transmisión. Las fallas se muestran con código y explicación.

Download WJdiag Free – Simple diagnostic software for Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD - Android (14621 descargas ) Download JeepDiag - Free and simple diagnostic software for Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD - Windows (25772 descargas )

Si desea obtener una versión anterior de JeepDiag simple para Android, entonces estará disponible. Con JeepDiag puede leer y borrar los códigos de falla del motor y la transmisión. Los códigos de error se muestran sin explicación de código, pero esta herramienta es suficiente si solo desea eliminarlos.

Download JeepDiag - Free, old and simple Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD fault clearing for Android (20744 descargas )

Funciona con Android 4.3 y superior.

jeep-transmission-fault-readDespués de abrir el programa, simplemente escoja el puerto COM donde el ELM327 esta conectado y listo. Leer los errores de código de Jeep solo tomará unos cuantos segundos. No hay explicación para los códigos de error, solamente puede ver números. Usted puede ver más explicaciones de códigos de error en nuestro página o buscar la explicación correcta en Google. Hay muchos foros donde fácilmente puede encontrar ayuda si conoce los códigos correctos.
Si tiene problemas conectando con el puerto COM o ve alguna letra desconocida después del nombre del puerto COM (COM3n, COM4象 etc.) mire entonces si los drivers del bluetooth están instalados correctamente en su computadora.
Borrar los códigos de error de la transmisión Jeep con nuestro software es muy fácil. Solamente toma de 5-10 segundos, depende de cuantos fallos tiene su auto. Si algunos códigos no han sido borrados, usted lo verá. Esto significa que su auto todavía tiene algo roto y usted necesita repararlo.Jeep Grand Cherokee transmission fault codes clearing
Jeep-engine-faults-readAquí puede ver como se muestran los errores de código del motor - solo códigos y no explicaciones.
Borrando errores de código del motor Jeep. Después de borrar los códigos, usted verá que códigos han sido borrados y cuáles no. Jeep-engine-fault-clearing

Aquí puede dejarnos un comentario sobre nuestro software. Este formulario es solamente para comentar como nuestro software de diagnóstico funciona, si esta bien o si ocurrió algún problema. Nosotros apreciamos cualquier comentario, incluso si nuestro programa no ha funcionado como se esperaba. Todos los comentarios se mostrarán al final de esta pagina, así todos pueden verlos.

Para cualquier pregunta, por favor utilice nuestro formulario en la pagina «contact».


    24. October 2024 18:23
    I have been using your wjdiagpro for a number of years - brilliant App.
    Wondering you ever did similar for the Grand Cherokee wk ?

    11. October 2024 00:46
    Wojciech Ziętek
    Just simple question. I bought new Board and vicar two Days Ago. WJdiag Pro are not free for customer?

    10. October 2024 15:59

    Does enyone know of na iOS app for the iPhone that Works with this device up to 2.7 CDR ??

    30. September 2024 12:31
    After update wjdiag pro I can't connect my obd. I try all my elms it same. It isays "OBD2 connection error". I check wjdiag free its works.

    17. September 2024 11:13

    I've got the Pro Version with the Elm from Aliexpress. I can connect with the app, but i can't read any data. If i try the check programm for the elm, there is an Error, the command J1850 is not compatible with the ELM. What can i do ?

    24. August 2024 14:18
    Necesito borrar la memoria del coche para pasar la itv

    3. August 2024 09:05
    Hi is there a iphone app available please

    13. July 2024 14:45
    Hi - just to say thanks for this software - not especially easy to find using Google search.

    downloaded Free version (couldn't find the free version on Play). Managed to clear all TCM error codes. Obviously the car still has an issue, but it gets me out of jail

    6. July 2024 09:39
    Hello. Are there plans to add the application to the Honor or Huawei store?

    7. May 2024 16:43
    hi, I purchased your program wj diag pro I would like to program a new remote control for centralized opening. I wanted to know if with your program you can extrapolate that information to program a new remote control. thank you in advance.
    Simone italy

    6. May 2024 15:36
    Bonsoir, j'ai acheté la version pro du logiciel sur Android et aimerait avoir si possible les logs de diagnostic et des différents tests / et autres fonctions pour mon moteur ( WJ 3.1 TD 1999 ). Si besoin, contactez-moi par mail. Merci de votre aimable collaboration.

    Rémi Labaume

    26. February 2024 18:32
    Hi guys, I bought the wjdiag pro for my new(new to me) 2.7 crd. The injectors have been swapped by the previous owner and I was hoping you could explain to me how to code the injectors correctly please. The injectors do not have a "compensation code" in a circle that I can input (+-1 to 3) so I'm finding it difficult to code them correctly. By changing the numbers to either + or - it does not make much difference. Please could you help and advise what the ideal fuel correction values should be and how to manipulate the injector learning to get it there.
    Thanks in advance, best regards, Alastair

    22. February 2024 17:45
    Before I pay money, please inform me.
    Can I use Pro version for grand cherokee zj 98 to read its modules?

    21. February 2024 19:27
    Buna ! Am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastra , am doua erori pe cutie de viteze ,una este P0702 si P2203 .Cu eroarea P702 este selectorul de viteze ,care o sal comand de la dumneavoastra ,dar eroarea P2203 numi dau seama unde este piesa defecta si ce piesa trebuie inlocuita . va rog mult sunteti ci mai in masura sa ma ajutati . astept un raspuns de la dumneavoastra . Multumesc frumos ! RESPECT !

    3. February 2024 22:07
    Hi, I have the paid version, and thanks for making this essential app.

    Is it possible to add the start of injection and duration values to the live data? Thanks for your help.

    Regards, Rob.

    30. January 2024 06:52
    Hello Ion.
    We are using Viecar ELM327 BT 4.0 device, link to our website shop page:
    Same device is available in Aliexpress for much better price, but delivery time is longer.

    28. January 2024 21:45
    Ion Lucian
    Hello! What model of ELM 327 interface, is it compatible with the new version of the software for jeep grand cherokee 2.7 Crd from 2004. I am interested to buy the interface after you give me an advice, then to buy the PRO program. Thank you very much!

    24. January 2024 09:13
    Я из беларусии как купить про версию через гугл плей блокирует покупку

    8. January 2024 07:37
    Hello Michael.
    If you already have WJdiag and it stopped working and asking for renewing, then it just like to check license from Google Play. Time on time WJdiag is checking license and if internet is switched OFF, then it will show unlicensed message and asking to buy app. After online license check, it will switch to full version again.
    WJdiag must be opened for license check, it can not go online if app is disabled. So, if you did not used WJdiag for some month, then it will show you unlicensed message and asking to buy Pro version.
    Switch internet ON and open WJdiag and problem should be solved within few minutes.
    Most Android apps making this check on every start or once in a week., WJdiag have 90 days.

    30. December 2023 17:23

    I've been using WJdiag Pro for a while but now when I try to reset ABS faults it says I need to upgrade to the pro version - when the app starts it states 'WJdiag-pro' = can you help with this please?

    29. December 2023 15:34
    I have a jeep grand Cherokee and lost communication and has no power
    How do I fix it without internet and a mechanic

    18. December 2023 11:32
    Owen Sweeney
    I have been using this software since I acquired it with a new pc shifter board some 5 years ago to clear all my gearbox faults to set up the new board and continue to use it to diagnose and reset engine and gearbox faults
    I find this piece of software a god send and has enabled me to detect and solve many problems standard diagnostic units are unable to read and detect
    It is truly a great piece of equipment and I am grateful to the inventor

    18. December 2023 11:07
    wayne fyfe
    need program to clear dealer code to program 06/1998 key and fob do you have please
    it is brought ibn australia

    1. December 2023 21:31
    Hello Joao
    ObdLink devices are not fully compatible with ELM327 data transfer and they are not suitable for WJdiag.

    28. November 2023 21:25
    Joao simoes
    goodnight. Does your WJdiag pro software work well with obdlikMX+? thanks Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 crd

    28. November 2023 20:22
    Hello, I need software to connect with elm327 for my 1997 Cherokee 5.2 Zj.

    13. November 2023 07:55
    does it works on a wj 99 gasoline 4.0l L6?
    you talk only about the diesel version....
    regards from France!

    3. November 2023 10:13
    Mr L..Breedt
    Looking for a ELM327 chip.

    3. November 2023 10:09
    Mr L..Breedt
    Looking for a ELM327 chip. [module]

    21. October 2023 05:13
    Matt Hamblett
    A quick thank you for making this reliable piece of software that has served me well for some years now. The gear selector board is also providing trouble free service. If only the same was true of the Jeep

    3. October 2023 12:21
    chris wallace
    Hi ,i have tried to program key fobs and keys but the software requires a pin ecu has been changed and anyway the dealers here in uk are unhelpful so i cannot get the pin code cannot program keys or there any scanner or other way to extract the pin code from the skim..the chrysler pin puller app does not work with these older jeeps thanks

    3. October 2023 07:48
    Hello Matt.
    Yes, WJdiag Pro can program keys and remotes.

    13. August 2023 15:51
    Matt Pyle
    I have a 2002 WJ. Will this software program keyfobs?

    4. August 2023 16:46
    Lukas schlüter
    Moin ich habe wieder den Fehler p0702
    Und ich habe schonn die bessere Platine
    Von euch gekauft das war vor zirka 2 Jahren bin aber erst 40000 km gefahren
    Kann die schon wieder kaputt sein ?

    31. July 2023 11:32
    Buenas tardes
    Tengo un Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 d motor Mercedes
    Tiene una cosa rara en cambio de velocidad de tercera a cuarta
    Solo a veces no cambia
    Va andando todo bien de repente se inciende luz motor y no cambia la velocidad
    Puede que de repente se apaga la luz motor da un tirón y cambia otra ves

    21. July 2023 11:21
    cela fonctionne pour le WJ 4.ol essence?
    bonne journée,

    4. July 2023 12:50
    Thiago Almeida
    Olá novamente, você poderia adicionar um botão de selecionar todos os itens no live data? e no output, sempre gosto de selecionar todos os itens quando faço uma viagem.

    grato pela resposta da outra pergunta.

    ps: seu app já me salvou varias vezes na estrada, confio tanto nele que comprei outra wg. agora com uma preta e uma prata aqui em casa.kkkk

    10. June 2023 09:32
    Tuncay tosun
    hello can i use it in turkish i have a send to Türkiye

    10. June 2023 09:29
    Tuncay tosun
    Merhaba dil türkçe olarak kullanabilirmiyim türkiye gönderebilirmisiniz teşekkürler i

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Message (required)

    19. May 2023 07:40
    Guten Tag. Kann ich das WJDIAG Pro-Programm auf Ihrer Website kaufen, ohne Google Play zu verwenden? Danke.

    4. May 2023 12:17
    Buongiorno, funziona con il Grand Cherokee 4.7 benzina dal 1999 al 2004?

    Se non funziona, avete qualche app per la mia Grand Cherokee 4.7 ?

    Grazie e buona giornata

    24. April 2023 07:48
    Antonio Serrano
    Hola, hoy he intentado leer los códigos de error y me ha salido el mensaje: 'exception during write'. ¿Qué significa ese mensaje?.

    22. April 2023 16:02
    Hello Pau.
    It is because of Torque. Torque installing own bluetooth driver and it ruins Android bluetooth driver. This is a very sneaky move by Torque and is designed to eliminate competing diagnostic programs. Once Torque is installed, Other OBD apps can not communicate with car anymore. Uninstalling Torque will activate Android bluetooth driver again and WJdiag will work.

    22. April 2023 15:37
    Hello. I've been using the app without any problems. The other day I setup Torque in my head unit while running WJDiag on the phone to the same bluetooth device. Then the app closes and I can't use it again. When I click Connect ELM BT device the app closes and brings me to desktop, app doesn't crash because I can open active apps and go again to the main menu. Tried clearing cache and data, uninstall and reinstall without luck.

    20. April 2023 09:19
    Antonio Serrano
    Hola, después de probar varios OBD de otras marcas y que no me han funcionado, he adquirido el de Viecar y me ha funcionado perfectamente con la versión demo del programa. Me falta probar la versión pro.

    3. March 2023 21:49
    Santiago Mateos Fernandez
    Hola la versión wj pro es una suscripción? O solo se paga una vez? Gracias

    22. February 2023 18:12
    Francisco Núñez-Romero Andréu
    Good afternoon:

    With date 09/01/2023 I acquired your gearbox plate to replace the one that originally carried my vehicle JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2.7 CRD LAREDO Year 2004 with registration 3175 CVC. The replacement and installation of the new plate was carried out correctly but, after 20 days, the gearbox was locked again and in the workshop I was told that it is necessary to install updated software in the switchboard of the gearbox, because when the ambient temperature is low (around 2ºC), the gearbox locks in safety mode and the control unit software conflicts with the new gearbox board.

    Can I get updated software from my JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2.7 CRD LAREDO vehicle (2004) to install it on the gearbox switchboard to remove the gearbox lock?

    I look forward to your comments.

    Thank you and a greeting,

    Francisco Núñez-Romero Andréu

    29. January 2023 15:51
    Luis Chuello
    Espero que el proyecto siga creciendo y puedan crear una versión para todas las WJ a gasolina. La mía es una WJ 2001, motor 4.7l y 4x4, y me gustaría poder contar con un software de diagnóstico específico como este.

    12. January 2023 15:31
    Legrand Johan
    Bonjour, j’ai acheté la version pro + le elm viecar bt 4.0
    J’ai accès au moteur et la boîte de vitesse, et rien d’autre.
    Sur abs par exemple ça me dit: Pas de réponse / erreur d'ELM, V:6 K:10

    Comment ceux-là ce fait ?
    Véhicule Jeep grand Cherokee 2.7crd black pearl 2004.


    10. January 2023 05:27

    Is jeepdiag for Android work with filaire ELS27 or OBDlink SX

    I know windows version work perfecto with ELS27 but i don't know for Android version.

    Thanks in avance.

    2. January 2023 15:11
    ma che differenza c'è tra un lettore ELM327 normale e questo da voi pubblicizzato (Viacar) ? io ne sto usando uno classico da pochi euro e con l'app WJ mi fa vedere tutto ... cosa cambia con questo?

    16. December 2022 16:39
    Olivier DELGADO
    JeepDiag fonctionne pas avec Windows 10

    12. December 2022 13:43
    My Elm 327 is not working, I have used it a few years ago, when I bought the gearbox upgraded new mother board selector from your company, do you think my my software expired?

    7. December 2022 18:55
    I have obdlink lx and your sw is not working with it. The interface support iso 14230-4 and j1850.
    You need support on Android app. Reach out to me and will offer guidace on BT integration :)

    5. December 2022 19:36
    Günter Summer
    Hallo, habe momentan ein Problem mit meinem Jeep Grand Cherokee. Beim Starten dreht der Motor, aber er startet nicht.
    Habe die Fehlermeldung P1685. Und 700. Bitte helfen sie mir. Welche Ursachen könnte das haben. Wo soll ich anfangen, habe das Skim aus und eingebaut. Danke für Antworten. Günter

    29. November 2022 20:47
    I bought WJdiag Pro and uploaded it to Google Play in early 2020 I believe.
    It no longer works.

    22. November 2022 18:56
    Stuart Cook
    I have the replacement gear shift pcb on my 2002 WJ for 2 years now, along with conductor plate and filter at same time. Today it has gone into limp with P2203 ID 13 error on sensor 3.

    To which I will check in morning the speed sensor, do you supply these speed sensors as I don't suspect all other items to of failed so soon unless you suggest otherwise.

    31. October 2022 11:24
    Hello Michal.
    Are you from Russia or Belorus? If so, blocked all paid apps for Russian and Belarusian users because of the war in Ukraine.
    If you are from some another country, you should be able install WJdiag from the Google Play Store. Does the Play Store give any message why it is not possible to download the app?

    31. October 2022 09:43
    Hello, I would like information on how to pay and install the WJdiagpro version on Android. I can't install it from the store.

    14. October 2022 09:22
    bonjour, j'ai acheté le boitier viecar et telechargé le logiciel jeep diag et quand j'essai de me connecter, le logiciel me trouve 4 port com et cele ne veut se connecter a aucun .
    avez vous une solution ?
    merci de vos reponses

    20. September 2022 07:29
    Hello Rafal.
    If you can access to all other modules except airbag, then airbag circuit is faulty. It may be broken airbag control unit, wiring or fuse.

    16. September 2022 21:26
    I have pro version. I can do almost everything but with abs i cannot clear foult en airbag i cannot see nothing.
    I don't know why. Is can be that my elm is not goed en af?

    3. August 2022 21:44
    Can you send me a link where can I buy the Viecar elm or a elm that run with tour app, for my Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ 2.7 CRD Overland 2004?
    Thank you

    29. July 2022 12:39
    Terry Gardiner
    Hello - I just tried WJDIAG (free) with my Viecar adaptor just like the one in your picture. I get the same result as Mikko Hillu (below).
    Bluetooth connection seems fine but I see 'No OBD answer' from my 2002 2.7CRD Jep.

    Any ideas what might be wrong, please?

    26. May 2022 19:22
    Hi Emmanuel.
    WJdiag Pro is available only for Android.

    9. May 2022 17:56
    Hi is WJdiag Pro available for Windows?


    9. April 2022 20:29
    Olá Thiago.
    O código PIN é armazenado no módulo SKIM, não no PCM. O código PIN pode ser hackeado com o dispositivo J1850 de alta velocidade, mas o ELM327 é um dispositivo muito lento para tal hacking. Você pode tentar pedir o código PIN do revendedor. Alguns revendedores fornecerão o código PIN para você, outros não. Depende de quem está sentado ao lado da mesa e ele está de bom humor.
    Fazer o WJdiag para iOS não é tão simples quanto parece. Android e iOS são tão diferentes e podemos usar apenas uma pequena parte do código do programa e devemos escrever a maior parte do código novamente. Então decidimos não fazer o lançamento do iOS. desculpe por isso.

    9. April 2022 20:16
    Thiago Almeida
    Você pode disponibilizar uma aba para fazer leitura do pin da pcm ? Para que possamos cadastrar uma nova chave ? Meu carro não tem mais a pcm original e não recebi o PIn da pcm junkyard

    Ps: não pensa em disponibilizar o App no iOS ?

    5. April 2022 11:36
    Hello Janez.
    After you change a phone, you need to use same email you had in old phone, to log into Goole Play. If you use same email, then you can download all paid apps to your new phone without paying anything more.

    16. March 2022 18:54

    Two years ago I bought OBN and WJ DIAG PRO for JEEP GC. I bought WJ DIAG PRO in Google play.
    I change the telefon and install WJ DIAG PRO but I can not use it. It is closed (want a key code) How I can use licence from old phone on my new phone.
    Thanks for help.

    Best regards


    12. March 2022 23:01
    Como se interpreta la prueba de compresion la hice y me dio algo asi rpm 260, y casi todos los pistones 258 262 259 260 259, esta bien o que deberia dar? y otra pregunta el caudal de aire cuando acelero no sube mucho sera problema del caudalimetro MAF? Gracias de antemano

    9. March 2022 15:01
    Mikko Hillu
    Hello. I just got the Viecar elm unit from you. The connection between .y android phone and the Viecar module seems to be fine, but a text "obd no answer" appears on the screen and I can not read any information.

    The car is 2001 WJ 2.7crd.

    What to do next?

    4. March 2022 17:01
    Hello Tonnes.
    Time on time WJdiag is checking license and if internet is switched OFF, then it will show unlicensed message. After online license check, it will switch to full version again. WJdiag must bo opened for license check, it can not go online if app is disabled. Most Android apps making this check on every start or once in a week., WJdiag have 90 days.
    Switch internet ON and open WJdiag and problem should be solved.

    4. March 2022 14:17
    tonnes hakonsen
    i have used wjdiag pro many years now, now i get a mess unlicensed application and i have to buy from play store can u tell me what the problem is

    tonnes hakonsen

    24. February 2022 23:50
    Christina Navarro
    Will this qork to reset or clear skim module for a 2004 jeep grand cherokee 4.0?

    16. February 2022 14:49
    Where to buy the lever board 2.7 grand chcherokee

    10. February 2022 07:56
    Felix Pereira
    Where and how do I purchase a genuine usb diagnostic scanner for my 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 crd .
    With Best Regards
    Felix Pereira

    26. January 2022 14:27
    Handra Marian
    Buna ziua!Eu am codul P0700 și din câte am văzut ar fi de la sectorul de viteza ?asi dori sa comand unul dar nu sunt sigur ca e de acolo problema ,dacă mă puteți ajuta a-și fi foarte recunoscător !

    18. January 2022 17:37
    Hi. I need transmission shifter board and scanner tool + shipping to Lithuania. Can you offer discount? Thanks

    2. January 2022 08:57
    Hola Iñaki.
    La licencia de WJdiag funciona para siempre. Hora a tiempo WJdiag está verificando la licencia y si Internet está APAGADO, mostrará un mensaje sin licencia. Después de la verificación de la licencia en línea, volverá a cambiar a la versión completa. WJdiag debe abrirse para verificar la licencia, no puede conectarse si la aplicación está deshabilitada. La mayoría de las aplicaciones de Android que realizan esta verificación en cada inicio o una vez a la semana. WJdiag tienen 90 días. Por lo tanto, si recibió un mensaje como "sin licencia", encienda Internet y abra WJdiag. La aplicación comprobará la licencia de Google Play y podrá volver a utilizarla. No vuelva a comprar WJdiag si ya lo compró.
    Si cambia de teléfono, puede descargar todas las aplicaciones pagas de Google Play de forma gratuita, porque ya las pagó.

    Hello Iñaki.
    WJdiag license is working forever. Time on time WJdiag is checking license and if internet is switched OFF, then it will show unlicensed message. After online license check, it will switch to full version again. WJdiag must bo opened for license check, it can not go online if app is disabled. Most Android apps making this check on every start or once in a week., WJdiag have 90 days. So, if you got message as "unlicensed", then switch internet ON and open WJdiag. App will check license from Google Play and you can use it again. Do not buy WJdiag again if you already bought it.
    If you change your phone, then you can download all paid apps from Google Play for free, because you already paid for them.

    5. December 2021 11:05
    Cuanto tiempo dura la versión WJdialog Pro?
    La he comprado en dos ocasiones pero al año dice que la licencia se ha expirado.

    18. November 2021 20:37
    Salve, jeep gran cherokee 2.7crd, con spia MIL accesa cambio bloccato, con il vostro software e il vostro OBD ho rilevato questi errori, P2315-P2312P2310-P2311, e sulla parte motore P0000! come posso risolvere il problema??

    18. November 2021 13:00
    Здравствуйте .а вашей программой можно пользоваться гранд чероки 4.7 wj если приобрести полную версию.

    23. October 2021 09:34
    De haro

    Est- ce que le Viecar BT fonctionne sur le grand cherokee 2,7 l CRD de 2002 ?
    Car apparemment ce n'est qu'à partir e 2004 qu'on peut lire et effacer les codes défauts.
    Merci de votre réponse.

    13. September 2021 19:19
    Hello! Thank you for the app! I purchased the app from the play store, I used it a few times with a Vgate Wifi obd2 adapter.

    Now, when I try to connect via wifi, the app freezes. I already tried reinstalling/rebooting the phone. No success. Any suggestions? Thanks

    12. September 2021 10:34
    Hello. I have a jeep grande cherokee 2.7 and I have this problem Solenoid P2104 ID04, the 3-4 gearbox is defective and I don't know what it is ... At the P0700 engine error. Thanks.

    28. August 2021 17:05
    Funktioniert die Software auch für den Jeep Cherokee KJ 2,5 CDR 2001

    21. August 2021 17:18
    I want a diagnostic software and all necessities. I try downloading but could not suçceed. Please help

    10. August 2021 04:12
    What are differences when you change country code?

    8. August 2021 06:27
    Sascha Globisch
    Why you guys don't have the JGC 4.7 included its very sad

    21. June 2021 20:18
    Hello Henco.
    WJdiag Pro is checking at license time on time and if fails, then it will switch to basic version. Connect your phone with internet for one time check and everything will work again for few months.

    21. June 2021 13:47
    Good day

    I bought the full software a few months back, my jeep crd cut out on me today and when I wanted to check what was wrong the software sa8d it is not licensed?
    Is there is a new version or does this version expire after a few months?

    I own a 2004 jeep grand cherokee 2.7 diesel crd.

    Your feed back would be most appreciated

    10. June 2021 16:25
    Sergio Ricardo Lareu
    Hello, I bought the wj pro version. I installed it on my cell phone. My question is if I change my cell phone or want to install it on a pc. I have to buy again because my data does not appear anywhere in the application.

    On the other hand the app is very good

    9. June 2021 16:43
    Hola buenas, hace unos días he el programa wjdiag pro para ver los fallos de mi Jeep wj 2.7 crd... Me sale fallo P2502.... Cómo podría reparar ese fallo?

    20. May 2021 12:51
    bonjour,j'ai le code p0137 c'est sonde lambda mais pouvez-vous me dire la quelle c'est je croie qu'il y en à 3ou4 sur un 5.7l de 2005

    13. May 2021 15:25
    Hello,maybye offtopic but Can I add key aand also remote key in control unit by wj diag pro ? I have 4.7 petrol, 99year.

    2. March 2021 19:56
    Barney Crumble
    Hi, I contacted the guy in Australia who sells the ELM327 units you recommend on this website. He took 4 days to return my email, I think he wrote 4 words in totally. Refuses to answer his phone, and told me his unit WOULD NOT WORK with my 2004 WJ CRD. Honestly he came across as an arrogant A-Hole who was completely unhelpful. Maybe you could remove the link to his website as he has no interest in doing business with people and won't sell you an ELM327 module. Thanks

    24. February 2021 16:49
    Buenas tardes, ustedes venden la placa electrónica del cambio del Jeep 2.7 wg
    Gracias, espero noticias suyas lo antes posible

    14. February 2021 10:46
    Hi Juraj.
    Technically, firmware upgrades can be added to WJdiag, but we will not add it due to many poor ELM327 devices. Firmware upgrade requires data transfer without any mistakes and ELM327 is not so good device. Many WJdiag users are using poor ELM327 devices that may miss some data during upgrade and it will cause faulty control module.

    14. February 2021 10:24
    Juraj Smutny
    Hellob it is possible to install new bulletin software for jeep wj 2.7crd with your wj diag pro ?

    30. January 2021 19:10
    Guido Steinmetz
    Perfekter Service !!!
    Was der Jeephändler nicht geschafft hat ist dank euch jetzt behoben.
    Leiterplatte war nach 2 Tagen perfekt verpackt da, eingebaut, Fehler gelöscht, Granny schnurrt wie am ersten Tag. Vielen Dank

    9. January 2021 12:14
    Phil Brown
    Awesome program and app I've found it an absolute must have, saved me loads too well done guys awesome job

    2. January 2021 14:00
    Nelson Neves

    How much it cost the pro versión of your software? I have a Cherokee 2.7 CDR and need yo clear codes. Thank you

    25. September 2020 14:59
    Hi there, ist the CRD the only wj? The 4.0 Gas or the V8 Gas ist often here in EU. Myself got the 4.0 and i searching for a cheap tool for all the tecnical stuff Like DRBIII, but dir afordable price. Freue Version Shows EG doors, but not engine or tranny. Pro Version does them all?

    15. September 2020 21:24
    Adrian Galeru
    Hi guys.. good job . I tried to connect to zj from 97 but without succes... could you please take a look on this thing... maybe is possible to make it working also on zj ... I hope that is not so much diffrence... thanks in advance

    26. August 2020 16:53
    I do usw an Obd Link mx+1.
    ELM Version1.4b
    Access with Windows is possible- no response via Android and wjdiag Pro.
    Any hints?

    9. August 2020 08:46
    Keith Scott
    Tell you what folks this WJ Diag Pro app is brilliant.If you’ve got a 2.7CRD it a must clears and shows all codes and faults.Dont buy a cheap ELM get the one for £20 on eBay cause the cheap Chinese one don’t work.For £40 it’s brilliant that wasting money on expensive scanner the garage will charge you more for one diagnostic.

    5. August 2020 09:46
    Hello RAMON.
    WJdiag Pro is available in Google Play market

    5. August 2020 09:19
    donde está disponible la versión pro.

    31. July 2020 18:01
    Keith Scott
    Hi I’m in the uk can you tell me what Elm 327 is compatible to use with your app as there are many on the market.


    16. July 2020 10:33
    Hi, Kaido. Can I change the minimum battery voltage via WJdiag pro? P2602 occurs after a long car downtime. Or do I have to go to an official dealer to re-flash TCM?
    And I didn't understand how to count the correction difference. How do cylinders work? 1-2-4-5-3?
    1 injector -0.32
    2 injector 0.45 => 0.77

    2 injector 0.45
    4 injector -0.09 => 0.54

    4 injector -0.09
    5 injector 1.01 => 1.1

    5 injector 1.01
    3 injector -1.02 => 2.03
    Am I right?

    2. July 2020 22:03
    Hi. Wj 3.1. With free I can enter skim and passenger door with no problem. It starts counting them goes until 14 and gives part software. Bought pro, and it counts to 10 and gives an error from elm v9 k10 I think.

    26. June 2020 18:21
    Hey! I have a Jeep wj 2.7 crd -2003. The program is wjdiagpro, the scanner is viecar as you recommend. I get into all the other modules but not the airbag, what's the matter? wjdiagpro showed that: error from elm, v: 6 k: 10

    5. May 2020 19:21
    Привет Каидо. Когда будет обновление? И как можно узнать давление в цилиндре?как на стар диагнозе.

    28. April 2020 14:27
    Gerhard Meister
    Ich brauche eine software und den passenden Adapter für einen Jeep Grand Cherokee BJ. 2004 WG 2,7CRd. Ich will damit die Reifengröße im Steuergerät ändern. Kann ich das mit ter Pro Version machen, und was kostet es incl ELM Adapter. MfG. Gerhard

    20. April 2020 23:50
    Henrique Cruz
    Good night I would like to know why you do not place the electrical diagrams PCM, TCM, ABS and etc. and wiring
    For wj 2.7

    I'm not able to access some functions of the jeeep diag pro

    8. April 2020 17:05
    Скажите когда программа под соединения wi fi выйдет???

    6. April 2020 07:24
    Non, WJdiag ne fonctionnera pas avec Wrangler JK, il est conçu uniquement pour WJ 2.7 CRD.
    Pour Wrangler, vous devez utiliser wiTECH MicroPod ou obtenir OBD JScan sur Google Play.

    No, WJdiag will not work with Wrangler JK, it is made for WJ 2.7 CRD only.
    For Wrangler, you should use wiTECH MicroPod or get OBD JScan from Google Play.

    6. April 2020 05:56
    Je serai interesse mais mon moteur est 2.8L CRD sur WRANGLER JK 2017
    Cela fonctionnerait il ?

    Merci d une reponse

    4. April 2020 19:22
    ELM327 pairing pin code is usually 1234 or 0000, some devices are without pin code.

    3. April 2020 15:56
    hi there I tried to connect my elm 327 to my laptop Bluetooth but the pairing code I cant find what should be ? thx

    7. March 2020 15:59
    Miguel Angel Fiestas
    Hola, uso la versión "pro" y no me muestra los valores (Live Data) del módulo ECM,ni siquiera las rpm.

    Los errores si los lee y borra sin problema. Por ejemplo, Torque si lee bien estos datos.

    24. February 2020 10:48
    jeankell bruno
    Bonjour le ELM327 fonctionne correctement sur un jeep 2,7l crd de janvier 2002 ?

    23. February 2020 14:52
    Kann man das DIAG-Tool auch für Grand Cherokee 4,7 4x4 nehmen??


    18. February 2020 16:27
    jeankell bruno
    Bonjour, le elm 327 fonctionnera pour un grand cherokee 2,7l crd de janvier 2002 ?

    8. February 2020 07:35
    Miguel A. Fiestas
    Hi, you have the the only app that reas correctly the fault codes and values, and... If you want be the best, Will be possible show the range of normal values (like a blood analisys).

    Good app, good world, good price.

    7. February 2020 07:57
    Hy can i use the Programm for
    programming the injektor Code?

    28. January 2020 19:59
    Villette Jérôme
    Bonjour j’ai suivie le lien de téléchargement et procédez a l’installions des pilote aucun message d’erreur . quand je connecte le elm 327 au jeep 2.7 crd et au logiciel jeep diag je procède a la connexion du elm le logiciel me le reconnait et quand je lance le diague il cherche et puis ensuite il me mes le meme message Erreur de communication? Faux ELM!) je comprend pas ?

    24. January 2020 11:33
    Engine and transmission are using for diagnostic ISO 14230-4 KWP and all other modules are using J1850 VPW data protocol. Seems your ELM327 does not support J1850 data transfer and you should replace it. For example those ELM327 devices are working fine with Jeep:

    24. January 2020 11:15
    Hello, I bought Jeep wj pro on engine and tcm all works fine. But i can't see the rest as Abs ,airbag, console ect the elm327 say no answer/ error k 10. Canzone help with this issue. Regards

    20. January 2020 18:36
    Segun indican ha yque utilizar este mismo de su web que se puede encontrar aqui
    Pero una vez dentro indica que NO es compatible para el software de jeepswj

    18. January 2020 10:45
    Villette Jérôme
    Merci pour la réponse mes j'ai commender l'autre model J'ai comender celui là ses bon aussi ?

    18. January 2020 10:36
    Villette Jérôme
    Bonjour j'ai suivie le lien pour commender LE ELm IL il y 3 model 2 USB et un blootooch et il est écrit que les model USB ne sont pas compatibles avec votre logiciel il ya que le blootooch pourtant le model USB est comme celui de la photo sur votre côté du dans le tout j'ai commender celui USB me a 50 euro je crois j'espère que sa va fonctionner

    18. January 2020 10:31
    Villette Jérôme
    Bonjour j'ai suivie le lien pour commender le ELM327 et sur le site il y en n'a 3 un blootooch et 2 USB moi il me faudrai un USB mes il est écrit qui n'est pas compatible avec votre logiciel ya t'il vraiment que le blootooch qui fonctionne avec le logiciel jeep ?

    14. January 2020 18:15
    I have purchased EML327 wired off amazon but when I try to connect it says No EML327 Connect to com Port?
    Any ideas?

    9. January 2020 18:35
    Richard Gould
    Hi Kaido
    The engine of my Grand Cherokee 2.7CRD kept cutting out under power, but would always restart after coming to a stop and toggling the ignition, most frustrating and dangerous when over taking!!. To cut a long story short the problem was down to the fuel filter, once replaced no more cut-outs. I had obviously run the diesel low at some stage and the sediment in the tank had been sucked into the filter.
    Just another check to make before lining the dealers pocket with even more cash

    9. January 2020 09:43
    Steve (Australia)
    Hi Kaido
    PCB received and fitted very easy to do
    2 weeks now and the it's like a new vehicle
    So glad I replaced the unit after over a year of trying everything else, perseverance, deliberation and frustration the problem is fixed
    I'm so happy, thank you for everything
    I have confidence in the vehicle and its reliability
    Your website is a blessing for anyone seeking the only fix for the transmission fault.

    7. January 2020 17:26
    Does anybody knows if Vgate icar3 works with wjdiag?

    28. December 2019 10:59
    Damien Ardhuise

    I buy an ELM327 on eBay. The same of the picture on your site. But I launch your software jeepdiag, it is written this fake elm. And I would buy a veritable elm on the site ELM327.en but it’s written the nos isn’t compatible whit your software.

    Which one should I buy?

    I have a default code P0702 and P0703.

    It’s very important please


    24. December 2019 09:41
    Hello, does your app read the ABS codes?
    Can it performe a ABS test and the bleeding procedure for the ABS module?

    Thanks in advance.

    21. December 2019 13:35
    Tienes ese software pero para el motor 4.7 V8. Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ

    20. December 2019 07:38
    Hallo, erst mal vielen Dank dass ihr euch diesem Problem gestellt habt und diese Seite betreibt. Aktuell gibt es bei ein Gerät für 39€ und ein anderes für 50€.
    Ist es egal welches ich kaufe?
    Schönen Gruß

    18. December 2019 08:07
    Thank you for all the info. It is a very well documented website. I had a problem because I installed a bad battery on my car and I started to have all sorts of issues. In the diagnostic process I found and fixed the o-ring problem. All good except for the TCU resetting procedure. It would be nice if you add some instructions about that. Found them on Youtube:

    All the best from Australia,


    17. December 2019 10:26
    Pro version excellent, however one question for transmission control: TCC locking, now it seems that TCC locks at 1650RPM transmission output speed regardless of the gear. Is it possible to change that RPM value via WJdiaG or is it coded in actual TCM SW? Would like to try reduce RPM setting, allowing TCC to lock earlier in order to reduce fuel consumption.

    16. December 2019 09:42
    Steve (Australia)
    Hi Kaido
    I have paid for the PCB for the shifter thank you
    Im trying to use the WJ Diag pro on Windows laptop...(i dont have and android device) i can connect to the ELM327 with the old free windos version but i cant connect with the WJ pro i used bluestacks to have access to the app. i am paired via blue tooth but its not working in the app it says turn bluetooth on... i cant see how to pair/connect via the pro app?
    what do you suggest?
    thanks Steve

    15. December 2019 22:04
    Steve (Australia)
    Hi Kaido
    Thank you for you helpful and informative web site.
    I am experiencing P2210 (TCM) with P0702 and P1242 (canbus message missing) (PCM)
    I am seriously considering buying your shifter module.
    In your experience what is the correlation P1242 with P2210 is there something else I’ve overlooked?

    13. December 2019 12:07
    Richard Gould
    Just used JeepDiag thru bluetooth EM327 and cleared both Engine and Gearbox DTC's - P0702, P2210 & P210A and the 2003 WJ is now back on the road. Many thanks for the help, software and tips from Kaido.

    21. November 2019 06:16
    Ciao D Ascoli.
    Di solito l'auto guida bene dopo aver sostituito la parte rotta, ma a volte è necessario cancellare i codici di errore del motore e della trasmissione per uscire dalla modalità Limp. Dipende da quanto hai guidato con la parte rotta. Hai sostituito la scheda del cambio, ma sembra che non hai cancellato i codici di errore e la macchina rimane in modalità Limp.
    Solo i dispositivi diagnostici compatibili per questa vettura sono Chrysler DRB 3 (dispositivo del rivenditore), Bosch KTS (dispositivo generico, molte officine ce l'hanno) ed ELM327 (dispositivo comune) con il nostro software WJdiag gratuito oa pagamento. Tutti gli altri dispositivi diagnostici non possono accedere correttamente a questa vettura o mostrare risultati errati. Se non si dispone di uno di questi dispositivi, chiedere all'officina locale se dispone di uno di questi dispositivi diagnostici, quindi l'officina può eliminarli. La cancellazione dei codici difetto richiede pochi minuti e non dovrebbe costare molto.

    21. November 2019 06:13
    Hello thomas.
    Other issue is that Scantool have bug in their devices and STNxxxx devices will not work with Jeep. I talked about this bug with them, but they are unable/do not like to fix it.

    21. November 2019 03:09
    Ricardo sanchez
    Que tal, espero estén muy buen tenia una pregunta sobre si no tenían un software o si sabia de algún software para jeep wj 4.0 2000 , porque alo mire nomas es para la 2.7 diésel, gracias por su atención

    20. November 2019 21:34
    hello. yesterday I bought wjdiag pro. I have elm327 on the module stn1170. The program connects to elm, but I have the message no answer. Other applications such as piston or torque work without a problem. Jeep Diag also works.

    20. November 2019 12:10
    D Ascoli
    Ho acquistato e fatto montare in officina la Vostra scheda cambio automatico per Jeep Grand Cherokee 2,7 Crd wj anno 2002 , ma la centralina del motore non la riconosce , e la luce avaria motore nel quadro strumenti resta sempre accesa , che bisogna fare ,per farla riconoscere ? Grazie se mi risponderete

    15. November 2019 02:53
    I'm finding the JeepDiag Pro very useful.
    My ELM327 tool can read passenger door, but doesn't read Driver's Door. Would this be prob with my ELM327 tool or something else?
    Can't get any function to work from Drivers Door controls, yet the windows, for example, will work using Diag tests on passenger door - but can't access DD control. Any suggests?

    28. October 2019 11:49
    Simon Skinner
    Hi Kaido,

    Thanks for the reply.

    All my numbers look correct but car cuts out at high revs under load. I have replaced low and high pressure pumps and injector leak back test all looks ok. Is there a test I can perform to narrow down the problem do you think?

    Thanks again

    28. October 2019 08:46
    Hi Simon.
    287 bar is fine. I made comparison tables with our test cars from engine Live Data values, they are located at WJdiag user manual page at

    28. October 2019 07:35
    Simon Skinner

    I purchased your pro software and its ace, for the small amount of money it costs I would recommend to everyone! I am constantly getting a P1130 error - small leakage detected. DO you know what a standard fuel rail pressure is on tick over? Mine is 287 bar....any ideas?



    8. September 2019 12:07
    Hi. I got 2.7 wj . P0700. I nead to scan the transmission. Ime in Middelburg mpumalanga. Where can i by this tool

    26. August 2019 21:37
    Great app, thank you Kaido. Injectors test is very helpful (now I know that my huge black smoke does not come from them...!).
    Does anybody knows how to check the good working of the EGR actuator with this app? Thank you for your answer(s)!
    Olivier (from Nice, France)

    25. August 2019 08:27
    Hey guy‘s
    I love your side, here i‘ve been found so many helpful tips and your PCB works gratefully.
    But there is only one thing i need to know.
    Is a WJdiag pro availabel on windows? I don‘t use android...

    14. August 2019 17:28
    Приветстаую! Купил версию про для андройда, установил, двигатель и акпп отлично кажет ошибки и текущие данные, но в другие блоки заходит,((( видно что пытается, но пишет "нет ответа от елм". Необходимо посмотреть ошибки в srs, и данные в "штифтере", как быть? Неужели версия про не читает остальные системы и разница с версией фри втом, что про кажет текущие параметры мотора? Спасибо.

    5. August 2019 21:03
    Hi. Will this work on a WJ 4.7?

    15. June 2019 19:39
    Hello Lothar.
    Android does not support OBD data transfer through USB and we can not add such option to Android.
    We will not make Windows version of WJdiag Pro, because it needs a lot of programming time. Instead of making new version, we are focusing on upgrading current Android version of WJdiag Pro.

    15. June 2019 15:39
    Lothar Machulka
    Ich habe das ELM327 mit USB des rumänischen Herstellers. Leider funktioniert es nur beim Windows Laptop, nicht aber bein Android Smartphone. Ist ein release für USB angedacht?

    10. June 2019 21:45
    sergej abramov
    habe ein android tablet (7.0), elm327 bluetooth v1.5 und wjdiag pro gekauft. immer wenn ich mein wg 2.7crd scannen möchte, reagiert das inteeface nicht oder baut keine verbindung auf. jetzt habe ich elm327 usb gekauft und wjdiag auf widows instaliert. und auch da wird kein interface erkannt. mit drb3 konnte der wg problemlos ausgelesen werden.

    4. June 2019 16:48
    Sergej U
    Tell me, are there plans to update JeepDiag in Russian? The site itself could also attract a large audience of Russia if it were in Russian. Do you plan to expand the diagnostic program or not? Is it possible to use the purchased program on another medium, not on the phone, but suppose you transfer it to a tablet?

    28. May 2019 06:06
    Yes, WJdiag Pro can read BCM fault codes.

    28. May 2019 03:45
    Does your pro version read BCM codes? Me front passenger door is freaking out.

    27. May 2019 11:46
    Simon Skinner
    Right...I have a problem and wonder if you can help.

    Had the 'black death' with sever leaking injectors. Seats cleaned and re-cut. New washers and bolts. Car now cuts out when going over 2,000 rpm and get a p1130 error. I get no errors when ticking over or under very light load. It ran fine before so assume injectors are not faulty.however I have used your software and got the following readings:

    cyl 1 fuel - -0.40
    cyl 2 fuel - -1.01
    cyl 3 fuel - +1.50
    cyl 4 fuel - +0.93
    cyl 5 fuel - -1.03

    They are not spot on but not too far apart.

    Also I have the following:

    RPM - 750 rpm
    Fuel pressure regulator output - 88%
    Fuel rail pressure Actual - 236 bar
    Fuel pressure set point - 278 bar
    Mass airflow - 541 Mg/s
    Mass airflow voltage 2.18v

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you as always

    27. May 2019 10:57
    Simon Skinner
    Just bought the Pro version. Well worth the money, wish i'd done this ages ago, wouldv'e saved me hours and god knows how much money replacing parts!!!!

    25. May 2019 13:20
    Postolache Stefan
    is there any chance you will make a pro version of the windows app?

    18. May 2019 13:09
    Works nicely. Big thanks for the community-spirited effort. I will likely upgrade to your Pro version soon. Best regards from sunny Stockholm.

    8. March 2019 13:45
    Lachezar Kalaydzhiev
    Hello ,
    I bought the WJ diag Pro software but cant find how to turn ON FULL HIDRAULIC FAN.
    Is there a option ?

    26. February 2019 07:49
    Hello, Włodzimierz
    If you can not read engine data, then probably issue is with your ELM327 device. Please try to connect again and after few attempts send log file to us for examining. Log file can be sent through settings page (3 dots on top right on the screen).

    25. February 2019 23:01
    I bought the WJdiag Pro app. In my 2.7, the CRD does not read the engine data. What should I do?

    23. February 2019 19:55
    Доброго времени суток!
    Скажите пожалуйста, возможно вы сталкивались с такой проблемой.
    При наборе скорости, в диапазоне оборотов двигателя 1800-2000 происходит вибрация двигателя похожая на пропуск зажигания на бензиновым двигателе. Ошибок нет. Особенно сильно вибрация ощущается на холодном двигателе. Не один специалист не может найти причину. И я заметил что очень много wj страдают этой проблемой.

    15. February 2019 00:28
    Hi.. when changing from bar to psi my boot pressure still reads the same figure..

    7. February 2019 16:42
    Hello Kai.
    You need to install USB drivers for COM port. Usually Windows will install drivers itself, but if not, then you need to install them manually. Check at CD disk you got with your ELM327 device, there should be a folder with drivers on the disk. After installing drivers correct COM port will appear to COM ports list in JeepDiag.

    6. February 2019 06:23

    I have a elm327 plug connected with usb. Your program is not able to find the com port my usb cable is connected to? I can use a usb connected ELM?


    1. February 2019 10:49
    I want to buy the bt elm you describe, but the web doesn't work. I've tried in ebay, but I haven´t found it neither. Could you tell me the correct link for buying?

    31. January 2019 08:49
    Hello Sergio
    If you buy program, then there is one time payment for purchase and after this you can use WJdiag on single device as much you want and no extra payments are required. If you change your Android device, then you can make backup from old phone through Google and WJdiag will be transferred to new device for free. You need to have Google Play account for this.

    30. January 2019 20:02
    Hello Kaido, Some time ago, I purchased the European elm327 and used the Diag free jeep successfully. I want to buy the Pro version. I would like to know if, when changing cell phones, I can maintain the program and not have to buy it again. Thank you

    10. January 2019 12:19
    Thanks a lot You Guys are great. I already have the shifter Modul from You and its working perfect.

    9. January 2019 21:11
    Engine and transmission are using ISO 9141-2, K-Line and all other modules are using J1850 VPW.

    9. January 2019 17:37
    Hy welches Protokoll muss der Elm Chip unterstützen damit die wj Diagnose Software läuft? ISO?
    Vielen Dank schon Mal.

    5. January 2019 21:25
    Hi wonder if you can help, if I run the mass air flow test on my jeep at idle it reads it as 30 mg/s but on my dad's it's 233mg/s why is there such a big difference, is mine faulty, or what should it be

    2. January 2019 19:52
    WJdiag Free is good if you need to check or clear some fault codes in engine and transmission, WJdiag Pro is for more complicated diagnostic.
    With WJdiag Free you can read and clear engine and transmission fault codes, nothing else.
    With WJdiag Pro you have access to all modules your car has, like ABS, body, doors, parking sensors etc. Every module has different options like senor Live Data, Input-Output values make some coding etc.

    2. January 2019 09:05
    Hi Kaido,
    Thank you for developping this tool ?
    What is teh difference between basic WJdiag and Pro WJdiag ?

    My ELM327 device does not support wifi or bluetooth, so I can't use pro android software. Would you have a windows version for Pro WJdiag ?

    Have a good day.

    18. November 2018 13:58
    Injector test shows how good or bad injectors are. Perfect value for new injectors are near 0.00 and with time injectors will wear out. ECM is measuring RPM of each cylinder and if injector is worn out, then ECM will correct fuel quantity for each injector to keep engine running smooth.
    Measuring must be done with warm engine, injectors must be equal, few examples:
    Some injector has +2 and some has -2.3, total difference is 4.3, it is too much and injectors should be replaced.
    Some injector has +2, other +1,8 etc., total difference 0,2 is pretty good, no need to replace injectors.
    If injectors are not equal, then car can smoke, fuel consumption is high, engine is not running smoothly, in extreme situation car may not start.
    Total difference 2 or less is not a big problem and car can drive well.
    Injectors have codes 1, 2 or 3 stamped on case. To get best performance, same values should be coded into ECM, it can be done through Engine Tests, Injector Learn. Just place correct codes shown on right side and save.
    There is a little trick to optimize fuel consumption with old injectors through changing codes in ECM. With warm engine drive on flat road with cruise and check fuel consumption on ceiling console. Change code on injector you think is working incorrectly and compare fuel consumption again. To get correct results, fuel consumption must be reset from ceiling console every time you are measuring. With such playing fuel consumption can be reduced up to 2 L/100km (best result I know), depends on injector conditions. Of course results can be reversal if initial settings were most optimized, so better is to remember settings before coding.

    17. November 2018 11:25
    Great product thanks for taking the time to develope it.
    One question, can a injector relearn be performed to optimize the injectors in there current condition? If so does it give you step by step instructions on how to do this?
    Thanks again.

    15. November 2018 17:55
    Hola, tengo un codigo de averia que aperece de vez en cuando, cada mes, semanas, cada vez mas amenudo, P2210, ese fallo es el referente a la placa electronica en la parte inferior de la palanca o puede ser otra causa. Muchas gracias.
    Un saludo.

    14. November 2018 01:34
    James Aitken
    Found it:

    Purchased it, too!

    Any chance of doing a WJ interface for the Torque app? I'd buy that too.

    14. November 2018 01:25
    James Aitken
    Hi Kaido,
    Can you please post a link to WJDiag Pro in Google Play? I cannot find it.

    13. November 2018 21:03
    WJdiag Pro without time limit is now available in Google Play.

    12. November 2018 15:04
    Yasser Ibrahim
    Hallo. Habe bei Ihnen ELM 327 gekauft und den Filter für das Getriebe.
    Der Download funktioniert leider nicht bei mir mit Windows sieben. Können Sie mir bitte behilflich sein.

    Vielen Dank vorab.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Yasser Ibrahim

    11. November 2018 21:13
    Louis Adolfini
    wj diag pro free time over ?
    combien de temps avant la prochaine mise à jour

    8. November 2018 18:36
    Hi. I have serious Problems on jeep grand Cherokee limited 2002-2003 model. 1. Error code P0702 2. Smoking badly 3. Oil leaking on Exhaust and white smoke what can I do? Kindly help.

    7. November 2018 11:58
    Diagnostic software is made for WJ 2.7 CRD and it is working with your car.
    We are not making diagnostic compatible for MacBook, sorry.
    At the moment you can not use Android device with WiFi ELM327. You can use basic app with WiFi adapter if you have Windows computer and can use some additional port redirecting software like HW VSP.

    6. November 2018 21:10
    hello! i have a Jeep 2.7CRD WJ 10.2001 the software working with

    6. November 2018 20:38
    hello! i have a Jeep 2.7CRD WJ 10.2001 the software working with this?thanks

    5. November 2018 22:03
    is there any chance you can down load onto a MacBook in the future ?

    3. November 2018 10:07
    Simon Skinner
    Hi there, so I'm on my 3rd elm device to get your software to work, I've taken the plunge and bought an expensive device but your software will not connect as its WiFi and not Bluetooth! Is there a way around this?



    3. November 2018 10:01
    Simon Skinner
    Hi there, so I'm on my 3rd elm device to get your software to work, I've taken the plunge and bought an expensive device but your software will not connect as its WiFi and not Bluetooth! Is there a way around this?



    3. November 2018 09:58
    Hello Jeepy.
    File is updated and you can download it again.

    2. November 2018 15:26
    Could you please provide a download link for a new Android app not restricted till November? It's not working anymore. Thanks a lot.

    1. November 2018 20:12

    J’ai ma jeep qui affiche comme code :
    ;P0110 / P0620 / P1130 / P0606 / P0340 / P1685 / P0530. Je souhaiterais être informer de leurs signification...

    22. October 2018 09:57
    Hello Bog.
    You can download software from upper side on the same page. Your Android device must allow third party apps installation, it can be changed from security settings. If you are unable to download it, then send me your email through contact form and I will send you direct links.

    22. October 2018 08:36
    Kaido I want to buy the gear selector but i can't to download the soft for android to erace the fall after...what can I do?

    15. October 2018 18:14
    Thank you

    14. October 2018 21:00
    In this program there is an adjustment of the lock of the torque converter automatic transmission?and on my 2.7 CRD does not work on time, it is a blocking automatic transmission.It works after 70 km. How can I adapt it?

    14. October 2018 20:50
    Hello Kaido.I asked a question. Where is my answer?

    14. October 2018 10:56
    Yes, current version works until November.

    14. October 2018 08:37
    Hi Kaido there a new version updated one for the pro version?

    11. October 2018 15:19
    Нет, версия iOS не будет выпущена.

    10. October 2018 07:54
    Будет ли версия на iOS?

    19. September 2018 12:49
    Hi I would like know where i can Take Jeep diag pro with reading injector . So can help to choise right software and hardware for diagnos Jeep 2.7 crd ?


    9. September 2018 12:40
    i would like to use the pro version but i own only a usb is possible to use a emulator on laptop to use the mobile app then connect the elm to usb?
    thank you

    7. September 2018 11:02
    WJDiag Pro, отличная программа. Благодарю! Подскажите, где можно посмотреть информацию по настройкам? Как понял можно регулировать форсунки?

    5. September 2018 19:20
    Those codes are stamped to injectors and to get best performance, ECM must know what are injector codes.
    If injectors are worn out, then playing with codes can make engine run smoother and save fuel economy.

    5. September 2018 06:31
    Hi Kaido,

    now You've added the fuel injection parameters. Great!
    Just wonder what is the logic (manual) for injectors learning option?

    24. August 2018 20:36
    We never tested it on KJ, but common modules will probably work on many Chrysler Group cars made between 1997-2005.

    24. August 2018 17:29
    What are the chances that you have software to read and reset faults for
    Cherokee KJ 2004 2.8 disell

    22. August 2018 06:17
    App is working now until 30th September.

    21. August 2018 12:34
    christopher wallace
    Hi i bought your unit last year i am using the pro version on another jeep keep getting freetime over message have tried reinstall several times but still the same have you got a solution thanks

    12. August 2018 05:28
    Hello guys. Thanks for this diagnostic toll. Great job! But i have a problem. I cant read all in jectors. Only i can see number 1-4 but not number 5. You can help me? Thanks!

    31. July 2018 07:11
    No, we do not have soft for 3.0 CRD. You should use Witech for 2007 year Jeep.

    30. July 2018 18:06
    Do you have the soft for a 2007 3.0 CRD Grand Cherokee?
    thanks a lot!

    21. July 2018 19:06
    j ai installer votre logiciel sans probleme.
    j ai utilise sans probleme et apres plusieur mois ,il ne fonctionne plus impossiblede connecter eml 327

    13. July 2018 11:37
    Доброго времени !!! Сколько стоит pro версия и как я могу оплатить.
    (Бесплатное время вышло)

    12. July 2018 06:13
    Hi Kaido,

    I have used both versions with great success. Now the Pro version gives "free time over" despite reinstalling it.
    The only thing I missed in Pro was fuel injector parameters (fuel correction) - this option would give great value to Your program as would help to diagnose faulty injectors which sometimes is a case on these old machines. Other wise the program is great tool.

    8. July 2018 12:17
    Hi there please help me I've got a same problem with my gear light is not working properly please help me

    27. June 2018 06:21
    Hi, Is it just me that to see any parameters for engine module, i have to go into this module, select parameters that I want to see, exit module, go into it again, and then "Show selected" can show values of choosen parameters?

    21. June 2018 06:54
    Hello Klaus
    Yes, diagnostic works well with Romanian ELM327 on every 2.7 CRD Jeep, including 2002 and 2004 year.

    20. June 2018 18:24
    Funktioniert der ELM327 Chip aus Rumänien auch bei einem Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD (WG) aus 2002?
    Diesel sollen ja erst ab EZ 2004 unterstüzt werden.

    14. June 2018 12:44
    Hello Hubert.
    I upgraded file with new date and it is working again. Just download it again and reinstall.

    14. June 2018 10:33
    is it possible to contribute?
    I'm a programmer and I would like to add the compatibility list to the WJ 4.7 model.

    13. June 2018 13:48
    Hi, I downloaded Pro version but it shows "Free Time Over" communicate from the beginning. I've never used it before. How can I pull it and try its capabilities?


    13. June 2018 10:55
    Louis adolfini
    je n arrive plus a utiliser jeep diag pro un message free time over j ai télécharger de nouveau l application mais toujours pareil existe t il une solution

    11. June 2018 13:35
    giovanni bassani
    Good afternoon,i have been using your jeepdiag pro software for a while now,works well, the problem i have now is if i start it up it gives a message"Free time over" can i purchase it
    thanking you

    31. May 2018 15:37
    je possede un grand cherokee 2.7 crd est mon module elm 3.27 n est pas reconnu par la voiture il est identique a la premiere photo elm3.27
    merci de me renseigner
    cdtl dominique

    23. May 2018 06:39
    I love to use this app but unfortunately app I have on my phone has expired so I delete it. I download new one from this site but I can't install it. Am I doing something wrong? Pls help

    16. May 2018 16:09
    Hello Louis.
    It is only in English site.

    16. May 2018 16:03
    Louis adolfini
    je ne trouve plus jeep diag pro sur le site existe t il toujours ?

    11. May 2018 15:28
    je reçois ce jour l'interface commandé sur le net. Mais l'appareil me renvoie le fameux message « Communication error? Fake ELM! ». Pas de bol, je suis tombé sur un modèle qui ne convient pas. Certes je ne l'ai pas payé très cher, mais s'il faut en commander une douzaine pour en trouver un qui convient... Vous avez une astuce ?

    9. May 2018 17:08
    Owen Sweeney
    I purchased a new pcb from kaido and also genuine elm 327 device downloaded the application to my Samsung android phone and it worked perfectly using Bluetooth connection once paired up
    It has been working well for over 3 years now and has restored my car to full use
    Great product and advice

    19. April 2018 14:10
    Manuel Pilia
    Salve, volevo sapere se esiste una versione di jeepDiag wifi
    Il mio adattatore ODBII è wifi e non bluetooth.

    15. April 2018 18:49
    Hello Artur.
    Until it is in development stage, it can not be bought. I am upgrading installation apk file in time and after time of your version is out, then just download app again and you will get newest version.

    15. April 2018 18:09
    I use JeepDiag Pro and it was working perfectly
    but i have time out on softwear
    How can i buy a full softwear

    29. March 2018 08:48
    quand je démarre jeep diag sur XP
    j'ai à l'affichage :
    l’application n’a pas réussi à s'installer correctement
    (0xc0000135). cliquez sur ok pour arrêter l'application.

    jeep diag fonctionnait il y a deux moi sur ce pc .
    et il ne sert qu'à ça et à rien d'autre.

    pouvez vous me guider pour une solution.
    merci par avance.

    28. March 2018 19:44
    Hello Gustavo.
    Jeep gasoline models are using Chrysler SCI data bus for Engine and Transmission diagnostic, but ELM327 does not support it. Unfortunately there is no other low price device in the market that is Chrysler SCI compatible and we should develop new device for it. Probably we will not do it.
    All other modules like ABS, body, doors, media, parking aid etc. should work with current app.

    28. March 2018 15:23
    Gustavo Bitencourt
    Hello Kaido!

    Do you have forecast to develop a version to work with WJ 4.0 gas?
    Can I help you?


    10. March 2018 22:30
    Christian Dagorn
    The Romanian site does not provide the ELM 327 in usb. Do you have another link or the software works with a box in usb?
    Thank you
    Christian Dagorn

    10. March 2018 20:17
    Sorry quise decir se jalonea y pierde potencia

    10. March 2018 20:13
    Hola mi jeep grandes chrokee laredo 2004 pierde potencia se japonés .le he cambiado la computadora 3 veces .como 5 sensores la bomba de gasolina. La bobina y muchas cosas mas.sigue muestra ningún codigo. Pueden ayudarme por favor ya no se que mas hacer.

    10. March 2018 10:53
    Hello Andy.
    Our Jeep diagnostic software does not work with iPhone and WiFi ELM327 device. You can use Windows computer with WiFi ELM327 if you have some port redirecting software installed like HW VSP. It will redirect WiFi TCP/IP traffic to COM port.
    Clearing P0702 from Engine only does not have point, because if some fault remains in Transmission, then in next start TCM will report about it to ECM and P0702 will appear again. 'First clear Transmission faults and then clear Engine ones.

    10. March 2018 09:02
    Hermann Hofer
    Guten Tag.
    Nachdem ich das ELM 327 Interface bekommen habe und ihre Software auf meinem PC installiert habe komme ich nicht in den Jeep hinein.
    wo liegt der Fehler?? was mache ich falsch???
    Bitte um genaue Vorgehensweise beim Fehlerauslesen!!
    danke im Voraus .
    MFG. Hermann Hofer

    8. March 2018 14:46
    Hi I have WJ Jeep 2.7 CRD 2002 year, with error code P0702.

    I bought a replacement PCB from a dealer in the UK (one of your boards) and fitted it, but the issue is still present (limp mode and engine managment light still on), I bought a Wi fi ELM 327 reader from the site recommended below and have used it with my I phone to try and clear the fault code (it immediately reappears) and read the error code using the Auro Doctor app.
    I am unable to get any fault codes using the ELM 327 reader and app. Do you have any ideas what can do please?

    Thank you


    24. February 2018 10:20
    Working also with icarsoft i620 BT adapter...Thanks a lot!

    15. February 2018 15:07
    Etant plutôt novice en informatique, mais mécanicien dans l’âme
    J'aime bien effectuer les réparations de mon jeep grand cherokee 2,7 CRD.
    Mais quel modèle choisir en sachant que j'aimerais le brancher sur mon portable donc sous androïd et me faut il des fiches ou cordons pour l'adapter si oui, lesquels? Merci ,de votre réponse.

    11. February 2018 19:10
    Well done new software works great ,keep developing it.
    1 It would be nice if we can change data like EGR.
    2 At mew software
    Missing an option to reset faults

    4. February 2018 01:59
    Felix aliaga mamani
    No funciona con mi veiculo Grand Cherokee vusco alguna solucion gracias

    3. February 2018 11:07
    Angel, yes, it will work with Android 7.0.

    2. February 2018 11:43
    Angel Garcia
    Hola buen día, mi consulta es si este sofware se puede usar con un Celular con androi 7.0 ?? Espero su repuesta atte Angel.

    24. January 2018 09:25
    Marco Adams
    Ich habe mir aufgrund der Empfehlung das BT ELM327 zugelegt. Mit der Jeep App funktioniert es auch anstandslos. Danke für die gute
    Beratung. Gibt es eine App oder ein Programm, mit dem ich tiefer
    in die Diagnose beim Cherokee einblicken kann?
    Gruß Marco

    19. January 2018 13:48
    hola no me reconoce el cable elm 327 el ordenador

    18. January 2018 06:09
    Such an awesome app!
    The pro version has now expired.
    How can I purchase it?

    10. January 2018 07:40
    Kevin, you need to install USB ELM327 drivers first to your computer. Probably you got cd disk with your ELM327 device.
    Fabrizio, WiFi ELM327 will work only with Windows computer if you are using some Com port redirecting software.

    9. January 2018 09:42
    hi there i keep getting message on this com port no correct elm connected can you help have tried lots of things but no joy cheers kev

    6. January 2018 12:25
    hello, i'm tyyng with en elm327 wifi and androd software, but not work, i have a problem , 3 on off not find anything, but the engine lamp is on and when i put on D or R the car make a jump...

    many thanks

    5. January 2018 13:02
    Hello Eduardo.
    You can use only Bluetooth ELM327.

    Andrew, OBD socket have +12 volts without ignition and you can hold ELM327-phone connection, but all car modules are switched off and you can not make any diagnosis.

    4. January 2018 10:02
    Puedo utilizar un elm327 wifi en vez de bluetooth ?
    ( para telefono android )

    1. January 2018 17:45
    Andrew Byrne
    Using the pro software. Very good. I wish you had time to do further development. Works with a cheap 1.5 clone and the recommended one.
    Can the connection be kept alive with the ignition off?

    26. December 2017 13:04
    Bruno Branson
    Works with a Proscan adaptor. with windows and both android softwares. Brilliant, thank you.

    24. November 2017 16:38
    Daniel MICHEL
    Existe t il un logiciel en Français si possible pour ELM 327 Wifi V1.5 pour Jeep Grand Cherokee WG Overland 2004 2,7CRD fonctionnant sousPC Windows XP ET/OU Iphone IOS ?

    24. November 2017 13:55
    Bonjour. Est-ce qu’il existe une version de logiciel pour iPhone ?

    23. November 2017 19:03
    Hi!!! Congrats for your work!!! It is awesome!! I'm trying your new software. It is incredible! Could you tell me when updates are released so i can download it immediately? Thanks!!! And good job!! Matteo

    23. November 2017 07:34
    Hello Jan Bo.
    I do not have software for 96 model, sorry about that.

    23. November 2017 06:04
    Jan Bo
    Hi, habt ihr auch eine Software für den 5.2 Limited ab 96`?
    Ich hab des öfteren Getriebefehler zu löschen, mit meinem Gerät kann ich aber nur die MKL löschen.
    LG, Jan

    14. November 2017 16:37
    Yoram Levi
    I install the JeepDiag APP on my mobile (Galaxy s8)
    Till Last week the APP work perfect
    Start today, the APP close automatic and stop
    I can not run the APP
    I enable the download and the install the APP on my mobile

    Help please


    8. November 2017 17:28
    Juan José Rissotto
    Hola tengo problema con placa electronica(P0702)

    17. October 2017 12:15
    hola estoy intentendo diagnosticar y me dice que no reconoce el elm327

    15. October 2017 12:58
    j'ai acheté un ELM 327 usb chez mister express sur ebay.
    Leur logiciel ne fait rien car le véhicule est trop ancien pour lui (GC 2,7 de 2002).
    Mais avec votre logiciel re-initialisation les doigts dans le nez en 1 minute !

    10. October 2017 09:39
    Hi There

    I have an ELMScan 5 with an ELM 327 Hardware Revision: 3.2 and Firmware Revision: 1.2a.

    It's original with RS232 output, but I have a cable from RS232 to USB to my pc.

    It communicates nicely, but comes with a mistake. FAKE ELM327 is that the Firmware that's too old?

    Will there be a software ver. for iPhone or iPad sometime?


    26. September 2017 17:55
    dom langlois
    bravo pour ces explication ,

    mon véhicule , grand cherokee WJ 4l , 6 cylindre
    vous me conseillez
    le elm BT sous android , ou usb sur pc
    merci ,

    16. September 2017 21:17
    For anyone experiencing the same problem as me:

    For some reason this app was not able to communicate with my transmission. These guys are working on a new app which I was able to test. The new app communicates just fine with the TCM, and now my Jeep is on the road again.

    Don't be afraid to send them an email, and make shoure to give a donation. They're saving you a lot of money;)

    14. September 2017 18:29
    Just received the BT ELM327 v2.2 from Romania today( I want to access the gearbox, as i have the P0702 error code on my 2002 Jeep GC 2.7 CRD.

    I tried your software on Android and 2 different Windows 10 PCs, but none of them were able to read or clear the gearbox. It was able to read and clear the ECU on all devices though.

    Any ideas on how to solve this?

    8. September 2017 13:36
    fournier cyrill
    you can remove my comment .
    upload drivers into the device manager and all is ok

    8. September 2017 10:59
    fournier cyrill
    I buy a real elm-327 and I have as info
    : on this com port no correct elm connected!
    thank you for giving me solutions.

    8. September 2017 10:16
    fournier cyrill
    I am very dissatisfied!
    I ordered and received usb elm 327 from Romania.
    to connect to your software is impossible!
    your software only offers one COM 3 port, and I can not connect to the PC.
    I have yet to download drivers usb on
    the software tells me that I am not connected to com 3.
    how to do.????
    it is a situation that costs me dear and that does not solve anything and that lasts in time !!!
    I tried with two pc (windows 7)
    and it's the same problem !!
    thank you for following up on my message.

    7. September 2017 13:14
    Fonctionne parfaitement en bluetooth sous Android, mais comme déjà précisé, uniquement avec un VRAI ELM327.
    J'ai essayé avec une copie chinoise à 10 euros, et ça ne fonctionne pas.
    MERCI! C'est génial de pouvoir effacer les codes défaut moteur + boite avec un simple téléphone : qui peut en dire autant?

    28. August 2017 17:40
    Have elm 327 but wireless not you have a program for wireless elm 327

    22. August 2017 21:14
    I clear my faults in the engine and gearbox and I get the jeep out of Sleep mode but when I switch off the engine it comes back won get out of 2nd gear. Reverse also good. Help please.

    21. August 2017 12:24
    Have elm 327 but wireless not you have a program for wireless elm 327

    20. August 2017 11:51
    je viens d acquerir un elm 327 et mon jeep grand cherokee 2.7 crd de 2002
    renvoie un code errors fak est t il possible que ma prise diag ne fonctionne pas merci de votre reponse

    2. August 2017 11:31
    I would like to try live data application.

    12. July 2017 21:39
    Gobert loic

    I've seen on comments you have worked on a live data reading application. Can you send it to me?


    4. July 2017 04:14
    Здравствуйте! Как можно скачать JEEPDiag для windows?

    16. June 2017 04:54
    karamitros yann
    Merci pour votre appli, elle est au top.
    J'ai des soucis de démarrages aléatoires.
    Vous n'avez pas de solutions pour pouvoir lire les valeurs en temsps réel sur PC?

    Merci beaucoup.

    29. May 2017 11:25
    Hi Dj GnB. 2.7 engine and transmission fault codes, live data and Input/Output is ready and we are working every day to add more modules. Send me request to email if you would like to try it.

    29. May 2017 10:53
    Dj GnB
    Hello Kaido! How is your progress with dealer level app? WJ 2002-2004 models?

    22. May 2017 07:40
    nicolas S
    I use the software with windows 10 pro
    Perfect conection with ELM from Romania (use usb version, just need install the correct drivers)
    Easy to know errors and clear them

    13. May 2017 15:41
    Habib, Chrysler made their own data bus protocol that is used only in older Chrysler Group cars, including Grand Cherokee WJ 1999-2001. Unfortunately ELM327 does not support this protocol and we can not add older Jeep models.

    12. May 2017 21:44
    Habib Kraiem
    Est-ce qu'il y a un module de diagnostic pour G Cherokee WJ modèles 1999-2001? Si oui pourriez-vous m'aiguiller la dessus.
    Merci d'avance.
    Habib Kraiem

    5. May 2017 18:26
    Martin Walker
    Oh and if you download and use this diagnostic software, remember how frustrating it's been not being able to diagnose or clear the codes on your Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD! Send these guys some money in appreciation for all the time they've spent on this (even if it's not a lot), they deserve it!

    5. May 2017 18:17
    Martin Walker
    Works great with the car.pulse cable -

    Tried a cheap Chinese cable but a waste of time, I recommend you buy one from these Romanian guys!

    Thanks for developing this diagnostic software, a beer (or two) is on it's way!


    28. April 2017 19:30
    Alex R

    Leider bekomme ich immer die Meldung: On this Com Port no correct ELM connected!
    Treiber i.O., ELM327-Clon, funktioniert bei anderen Marken mit ForScan, Carsoft demo, etc.....

    Was kann ich tun, damit JeepDiag mein Elm erkennt?

    Grüße Alex R

    14. April 2017 13:53
    Graziano, It is possible, because engine data transfer uses "Fast Initiation" (ELM command AT FI) and gearbox data transfer is working without this command. So your ELM327 does not support AT FI command.

    14. April 2017 10:45
    I bought an ELM327 USB. Is it possible that "read engine" function gives "fake elm" response while the "read gearbox" one works perfectly?

    25. March 2017 21:45
    Yes, Windows version is working with USB ELM327 as well.

    25. March 2017 21:30
    Hi! this software can work also with a USB ELM327 version? Thanks

    17. March 2017 19:17
    Bonjour, suivant vos conseils j'ai acheter l'ELM 327 que vous conseillez sur votre site et j'aurais deux réflexions à faire en effet, lorsque on commande sur le site roumain il y a 19€ de frais de port pour un tout petit objet qui coûte environ 48€ et l'objet n'arrive qu'après 4 jours de transport, ce qui semble très long pour ce prix de transport et surtout quand on est en panne, ensuite l'appareil fonctionne avec vos logiciels, mais malheureusement il est intégralement en Anglais et aucun moyen de changer de langue, ce qui est compliquer quand on parle mal cette langue, pouvez vous changer cela, afin que l'on puisse choisir sa langue pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de l'appareil ?
    Sinon il fonctionne, reste à voir si après réparation de ma panne il parviendra à rétablir le bon fonctionnement de ma voiture en effaçant les codes défauts.

    15. March 2017 16:03
    Jeepdiag working only with 2.7 CRD Jeeps. 4.0 gasoline model is not supported.

    15. March 2017 11:22
    kann ich diese Software auch für meinen Jeep Grand Cherokee BJ. 2000, 4l,nutzen?
    Ich will Motor- und Getriebe-Codes auslese und löschen können.

    9. March 2017 18:22
    My 2002 2.7 Jeep started to go into temporary limp mode almost every second day. It had done that for the last year or two but until now, it would only happen like once a month so I wasn't really concerned. The check engine light would come on and the power would be limited. Restarting the car would instantly fix the problem until the next time. Doing the key trick I found out that I had quite a lot of codes with P0700 and P0702 being some of them. I managed to fix the limp mode problem just by cleaning the whole PCB board and the gear selector base that houses the magnets with cotton pads soaked in contact cleaner. I also sprayed contact cleaner on all of the connectors that where under the central console and had to be disconnected from the PCB board to remove it. Just in case cleaned the TCM connectors as well. I think that the magnets were too dirty for the PCB sensors to detect the correct position of the gear selected but I might be wrong. Been happily driving my Jeep for a month now without check engine light turning on or the car going to limp mode. Thank you Kaido for such a awesome website.

    5. March 2017 12:07
    By default Android lets only install apps that are downloaded from Google Play store. Check your phone settings, if installations from unknown sources is allowed.

    5. March 2017 10:49
    Hallo, habe gerade die android version auf das telefon geladen. Leider gibt es einem fehler bei der Kontrolle der datei und die installation wird abgebrochen. Was habe ich falsch gemacht? android 4.4 und 5.1 das gleiche problem

    21. February 2017 17:31

    j'ai le code d'erreur atwm8120f33e not supported by ELM
    Communication error? Fake ELM!

    j'ai un ELM327 generique "tout protocoles" dois je acheter un autre ELM ?

    si oui pouvez vous me donner un modèle chinois pas trop chère que vous avez testé


    20. February 2017 13:29
    Itth this program will the error P0702 give more detail to say exactly where the problem is?

    15. February 2017 17:38
    Die Software funktioniert perfekt mit dem AutoDia E327 von Die Platine von gewechselt, die Fehler ohne Probleme mit der Win-Version aus der Getriebebox und dem Steuergerät gelöscht und der Jeep schaltet wieder wie am ersten Tag

    Danke an das Team !!!!

    15. February 2017 12:26
    waller walter
    For Helping give no code elm have no code.
    Thanks sale the car is better

    15. February 2017 08:32
    P1685 is SKIM SYSTEM INVALID SECRET KEY IN EEPROM. If you can start your car, then do not worry about this and focus on P0700 and P0702.
    If P0700 or P0702 is active and comes back after clearing, then there must be some other code stored in transmission that is causing P0700 and P0702.
    P0700 and P0702 are "Transmission generic electrical" faults and they are stored in ECM (Engine Control Module). They appear only if transmission has an active fault code. If transmission has some electrical problem, then fault will be stored in TCM (Transmission control Module) and also TCM will report about this to the ECM. By this report ECM will store P0700 or/and P0702.
    For this reason P0700 and P0702 can not be alone.

    13. February 2017 13:12
    Walter waller
    Guten Tag,
    wir haben ein Problem grand Cherokee 2,7 crd es war zuerst p702 p700
    Notlauf die Fehler wurden gelöscht.
    Wieder notlauf unter dem fahren geht gang raus und schaltet nicht mehr.
    Werkstatt macht Kontrolle magnete usw Fehler gelöscht geht nicht mehr.
    Dann kamm Fehler p 1685 habe ich mit dem elm327 gelöscht gearbox keine Fehler engine keine Fehler aber er schaltet nicht !
    Vielleicht haben sie einen Tipp.
    Gruss waller

    8. February 2017 10:15
    when i enter in diagnosi in engine put the tipical failure p0702
    when i enter in transmisión put sometimes the p0702 but also the
    p2310.. what means it?

    6. February 2017 10:12
    Funziona anche per Jeep Cherokee 2.5 CRD !?

    4. February 2017 13:57
    waller walter
    Guten Tag.
    Leider habe ich per post ein elm327 bekommen kann nur wifi kein BT ihre Software Android kann nur BT oder gibt es eine BT Lösung.
    Hatte Getriebe Probleme 2.7 crd 2003. code 700 702 wurden gelöscht und jetzt Geht gar nichts mehr Getriebe schaltet nicht schluesselmode 1685 Fehler Datenbus aber genauer kann ich es nicht sagen
    MFG waller

    2. February 2017 14:52
    belloc christophe
    Ma bva de mon wj est bloquée en 1 ère puis je la débloquée avec votre logiciel ou dois je faire réinitialiser le TCM ?

    26. January 2017 09:16
    Bonjour, tres bien votre logitiel, simple et fonctionnel.
    J'ai pu lire les codes sur un wg de 2004 et 2003 sans probleme.
    Par contre sur une suite de code comme :
    Seul P1511 ne s'est pas effacé. Normel ou paqsje ne sais pas, mais je tenais a vous le signaler.
    Si seulement vous aviez crée se logitiel en 2011, cela m'aurait evité bien des deboirs.
    Je vous remercie et vous souhaite bonne continuation.
    Cordialement, Chris.

    25. January 2017 19:33
    For WIFI device you can use some Virtual Serial Port driver like HW VSP with your WIFI device. It will redirect TCP/IP traffic to COM port.

    25. January 2017 16:31
    Dan potts
    Hi. How can I get the software to work with a wifi elm327?



    24. January 2017 19:30
    Software works only with 2.7 CRD Jeep.
    Jeeps with other engines have different data bus protocol and they are not supported.

    23. January 2017 14:18
    Matthias Jaksch
    Funktioniert sie Software auch für einen 99er 4.7 4x4?

    Danke und Grüße
    Matthias Jaksch

    22. January 2017 20:51
    Hello Beranger.
    Seems like you did not pair ELM327 device with your phone. Every Bluetooth device should be paired before you can use it.

    20. January 2017 15:54

    je viens d'acheter une prise ELM327 VER1.5A PRO sur ebay. Je viens d'installer votre petit soft. Mais lorsque que je veux lire les PCodes il m'affiche "On this Com Port no correct ELM connected!"

    Pourriez vous m'aider?

    Beranger PUDIL

    16. January 2017 17:14

    J'aimerais un logiciel qui diagnostique la transmission, donc votre logiciel me plairait, mais sur un Jeep grand cherokee wh ou wk de 2005, crd 3.0L 218 cv, marcherait il ?

    Merci d'avance

    8. January 2017 19:04
    Mario Stin
    Hola, quería solicitarles si me podrían informar si hay algún software ,que se pueda utilizar en una Grand Cherokee /2008/2009 V8 4.7 WK, para corregir cuando se desconecta el sierre automático de las puertas , causado cuando se desconecta la batería, cordial saludos Mario( Argentina)

    28. December 2016 13:46
    Jean-Luc Courbon
    Problème boîte de vitesse bloquée en seconde suite batterie trop faible résolu après effacement des codes boîte P2602 (solenoïd voltage low), P2222 (Transmission oil temperature sensor erratic) et du code P0700 (Check Transmission DTC's).
    Diagnostic configuration : ELM 327 chinois V1.5 à 10 euros connecté sur USB W7/PC USB. Grand merci à

    Gearbox default fixed (second speed only after use of faulty battery) : P2602, P222 and P0700 cleared.
    Configuration Tool : chinese 2016 ELM327 V1.5 - USB interface connected on W7/PC.
    Many thanks to

    20. December 2016 05:43
    Achat elm327 avec puce originale, Bluetooth, fonctionne très bien avec mon wiko (attention à la version Android 4.3 minimum) . Plus de 6 codes défaut effacé en deux clics sur GC 2.7 2002. (moteur, capteurs de roues avant, boite de transfert, boite de vitesse). Super logiciel, tout fonctionne, je suis ravi. Merci...

    7. December 2016 21:30
    john mcleod
    The elm327 and your software worked fine on my samsung note tablet and even flaged up the fault with abs, rear sensor, once sensor and new shifter board were fitted and fault codes cleared all was fine, very happy with the software etc.??
    happy customer in the FALKLAND ISLANDS

    2. December 2016 19:08
    ELM327 from will work on every 2.7 CRD Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have used it on 2002, 2003 and 2004 year models.

    30. November 2016 16:17

    Mon grand cherokee 2.7 crd est de 07/2002, sur le site que vous conseillez pour achater le ELM 327, ils disent que sur les moteur diesel l'appareil lit les défault à partir de 2004, à ma connaissance le grand cherokee 2.7 crd de 2002 est le même que celui de 2004, pouvez vous me confirmer que le ELM327 de l'adresse : fonctionnera avec mon cherokee

    23. November 2016 17:28
    fabio schiavinato
    funziona con windows 10

    14. November 2016 13:42
    Korber Heinrich
    hi habe den ELm 327 aus Romänien bei ebay gekauft.
    wenn ich die Fehler auslesen will schreibt das Programm kein Port vorhanden

    13. November 2016 09:40
    First, thanks for the android version, it works just fine. I was able to use it with my generic obd2 BT adapter to reset the gear on my wj wg crd 2.7 2004.

    I would like to ask you guys to enable ratio setup - we the jeep owners would like to increase the tier diam and compensate with bigger gear ratio.
    Increasing the gear ratio require updates to the gear computer otherwise it got into limp due to "mismatching" speed report from the abs sensors.
    Your help is appreciated.

    3. October 2016 10:50
    Hello, thank you for good work! I Live in Latvia (EU) and wee have Jeep WJ more and more popular, but by now that are 16 to 12 years old, and have various issues, So your software are wary helpful! Thank you, waiting for dealer level-like app. Will donate.

    1. October 2016 19:40
    Bernnardo Márquez
    In a lecture of jeep yj 94:

    reading engine faults:

    ATWM8115F13E not supported by ELM comumunication Error

    28. September 2016 11:05
    Works great with this ELM327:

    13. September 2016 19:46
    WIFI is not supported, but you can use some Virtual Serial Port driver like HW VSP with your WIFI device. It will redirect TCP/IP traffic to COM port. It is tested and will work fine with Jeepdiag.

    13. September 2016 08:34
    Tamas Hetesi
    Have you the jeep diagnostic software in Wi-Fi version? Accidently I bought the Wi-Fi version from the website what you mentioned, from Romania.

    10. September 2016 10:15
    Where is the best place to buy an ELM327. I am in South Africa.

    31. August 2016 10:04
    "communication error : fake elm" (I think it's a chinese version). My ELM is an usb V1.5a.

    25. August 2016 18:32
    Henning Le Roux
    Cleared all codes with none remaining.
    Tomorrow I take her for a drive and see.

    9. August 2016 10:15
    Samuel, at the moment Chrysler DRB 3 is the only device that can do everything you need.
    At the moment we are developing an app that is almost dealer level for WJ - supported will be all modules of those cars: keys, immo, ABS, body, doors, entertainment etc. Also live data and tests. It is huge work, it takes time and we are on time if we can release it by the end of this year.

    9. August 2016 06:44
    Rev Samuel MSE Kayuni
    My name is Samuel from Malawi Africa. I own a small business of renting and selling used 4x4s from UK market.
    Latterly have sold many Jeeps with Diesel engines
    CRDs. Right now I have 10 Jeeps parked at my yards have various issues like Keys not recognized,immobolizers, gears limp modes etc
    I bought various diagnostic scan machines like launch, dvatage and the last one called DG VSI2554 I need soft ware that I can install in the machine that can handle issues of my Jeeps. Any idea please help.
    I look so stupid to the people have supplied Jeeps of various models. I love these vehicles when running properly.

    2. August 2016 11:21
    Andreas Sterzenbach
    vielen Dank für die Bluetooth Version!
    Dieser Bluetooth-Adapter hier zum Preis von €19 funktioniert sehr gut, auf Android und Windows 7 getestet:

    many thanks for the bluetooth version!
    this bluetooth Adaper functions very well, I tested it on android and Windows7.

    22. July 2016 04:36
    neil solomons
    Hi thanks
    I've encountered an issue with aux position on the Ignition where the radio is suppose to go on when the vehicle is of, immediately after clearing codes with your software. Got the same elm 327as in your pic connecting to usb. have you anny solution or help.

    5. May 2016 18:32
    We got USB version from car.pulse and yes, it has genuine ELM chip (ver 2.1) inside and it is working correctly. As it is using genuine ELM chip made by ELM Electronics, then all ELM commands are supported.
    Those Romanians are making good stuff for reasonable price and their devices are worth every penny.

    23. April 2016 12:14
    Are you sure elm327 USB (not BT) from car.pulse on ebay works ? because I've just buy one on ebay (from an other seller Diagscan) and it does'nt work, message : "communication error : fake elm" (I think it's a chinese version). My ELM is an usb V1.5a.

    14. April 2016 20:07
    Hi guys.
    I received the real ELM327 Bluetooth from Romania today.
    Your jeepswj software reported it as ELM version 2.1.

    I connected the Bluetooth ELM to a virtualized XP Pro SP3 running under Parallels Desktop 9 on my Apple laptop (OS 10.7.5).
    A little tricky to pair it but I get it working.
    I successfully erased a remaining default engine code on my 2.7CRD.

    I also paired the ELM with my smartphone (Galaxy S2) without any trouble.
    But I don't have appropriate app to communicate with the jeep TCU, I can just read engine codes (french OBDfacile app).

    Would you send me the (beta) Androïd app so I can try it ?

    Thanks for all your work !!!

    7. April 2016 11:36
    Edit from last post : still has BT units, it was a server error. I ordered one and I hope I can check the Android pre-relase software soon.

    7. April 2016 09:30
    Hi Kaido.
    Just to let people know that BT original ELM327 is out of stock from website above. I emailed the seller. Without BT unit I can't test the Android pre-release ...

    6. April 2016 06:23
    Thankyou, your advice got the job done, I am now enjoying driving at more than 30mph

    2. April 2016 21:55
    Just for the feedback, my elm 16bit branded ROH I'd with a previous software doesn't works. I will try an other later.

    Nice site, a lot of infos about WJ et some produts interesting.

    GB from France.

    2. April 2016 10:43
    Will you make a version for Android that can be used with WIFI conection any time soon?

    31. March 2016 08:34
    Konstantin Tscherepanow
    Guten Tag,

    funktioniert das auch mit einem Jeep Grand Cherokee BJ 2004, WG, V8-4.7L

    Danke und Grüße
    Konstantin Tscherepanow

    29. March 2016 18:16
    WOOHOO, we got our first donation today from a happy user for our diagnostic app:)
    It happened after 10 months and 3000 downloads. Thank you Fernand.

    18. March 2016 11:42
    We got first Android release to read/clear codes and it is in test stage now to figure out if everything is correct with connection and data transfer. It is not ready to publish, but I can give app link to those who would like to test it. All testers are welcome, just write us through contact form.

    18. March 2016 11:16
    Is it long time to the android app is finish? I have problems with using the pc.

    25. February 2016 16:51
    We did not have any WIFI ELM when we made our software and it will not work. Probably we will not upgrade it cause at the moment our goal is to make an Android version.

    15. February 2016 12:30
    Hi guys !!
    Does your software works with WiFi ELM module ?
    I got one from a friend before receiving the cabled unit from China (MartyVayne's link, thanks to him if it works for me !!).
    It may be tricky to connect the ELM from your software (I don't know which port WiFi could use).

    11. February 2016 07:35
    Ragazzi siete grandi grazie
    Il vostro programma funziona alla grande con Windows xp è Elm 327 usb Made in Cina
    Appena collegato porta com 3 legge e resetta tutti gli errori del motore e del cambio del mio GC WJ 2.7 crd del 2002.
    Sarebbe bello riuscire a controllare anche eventuali problemi del climatizzatore o altro
    Sono ansioso di provare anche la versione Android
    Complimenti e Buon lavoro.

    8. February 2016 16:01
    Elmscan 5 Update.
    Reads the gearbox codes but not the engine codes.

    7. February 2016 15:49
    Yes, this message means that your ELM327 does not support necessary commands that are required for Jeep diagnose. It is a common problem for many Chinese devices. With genuine ELM327 chip all commands are supported and it will do the job. Better is to get ELM327 with genuine chip, but you can try next Chinese device until you get working one, many Chinese devices are also working fine.

    For example Vgate iCar2 BT device worked well, but until manufacturer has not confirmed supported command list, we can not be sure that all Vgate devices work. Vgate is not very cooperative to answer to us, but we will keep on asking them.

    7. February 2016 15:14
    Janis Bielis
    I bought a Chinese ELM327 cable connecting to your program, I appeared massage FAKE ELM.
    Does this mean that I have to buy original cable?
    Thank you .

    7. February 2016 15:08
    At the moment only Windows version is available. We are working with Android and will add it to site ASAP.

    7. February 2016 12:52
    j evans

    cannot access the download via android or ipad..Is it still available?

    6. February 2016 16:04
    Anyone used this with an Elmscan 5 compact?

    5. February 2016 10:38
    can't wait for android version to be released!

    3. February 2016 14:38
    Thorsten Weidmann
    Tank you, my Jeep-Gearbox works again ! The software has worked perfectly with an ELM bougt for 15 € by ebay. It looks like this, you showed on your side.

    2. February 2016 21:25
    Hi this is great, does anyone have any UK links to working fake elm devices?
    Took a gamble on the Chinese fake but didn't work.

    2. February 2016 09:15
    We are working with Android at the moment and hope to finish it within some days. Just little more patience.

    2. February 2016 09:05
    Thank you! It works perfect, even with a Chinese fake and Windows 10. When will the Android version be available?

    1. February 2016 18:33
    Hi Kaido,

    when do you think the Andoid-Version is ready to use. We are already waiting impatiently for the app :-)


    1. February 2016 16:49
    It means that your ELM is Chinese fake and does not support basic ELM commands. Using Chinese ELM327 is like lottery - you never know if it works or not. Try to get other one, preferably with genuine ELM chip.

    1. February 2016 12:36
    hello with my usb elm 327 i have the message "fake elm"
    i use window vista.

    27. December 2015 17:08
    It means that your computer can not connect with ELM. Be sure ELM Com drivers are installed and choose correct com port where ELM is connected.

    27. December 2015 15:42
    Antonio Moreno
    On this Com Port no correct ELM connected!

    22. December 2015 17:16

    j'ai testé sur ma voiture et ça ne fonctionne pas, jeep wj 2003 2.7 crd

    le logiciel ce connecte au cable mais ensuite pas moyen de lire les code d'erreur, avec le conctac, sans contact et même moteur tournant rien ne se passe.


    22. December 2015 09:35
    We will work with android on mid January and hoping to finish within couple of weeks.

    22. December 2015 07:40
    Hello. When will the android app software come?

    19. December 2015 08:39
    Andreas Sterzenbach
    Hi, software works fine with iParaAiluRy ELM327 USB Interface bought on amazon:
    It has the PL-2303 XA/HXA chip build in, which only works on windows XP and Windows7, myself I use an Eeepc with windows XP.
    Engine and transmission errorcodes reading and erasing perfectly!!!
    I´m looking forward for the android version.
    Many thanks to the developer, who made it possible to read and erase error codes on Jeep WJ/WG 2.7 crd!!!

    16. December 2015 20:00
    Hi, software works like a charm.
    Used USB ELM 327 v1.5 Chinese clone. Bit of a gamble, but worked first time!
    Costs about 7 euro's on ebay which includes international shipping!
    Slow on arrival (takes about 2 weeks), but quality seems ok on first glance. Comes with driver CD, but didn't need that. Plug and play on Windows 7.

    Able to read and clear two old codes from engine and reads transmission no problem.

    ebay link:

    seller's name is is eto666

    Order and use Chinese clones at your own risk, just sharing my personal experience with this particular product.


    5. December 2015 21:05
    David Johnson
    Hi Kaido,
    Thank you so much for your help and advice on my Jeep issues.
    I downloaded your free software and bought a ELM from the site you
    suggested (
    All good, retrieved/cleared the fault codes.
    Can't thank you enough - you saved me a lot of cost at the Dealership.

    5. December 2015 13:41
    Hallo das ELM 327 hat perfekt mit der Software funktioniert!
    Super Sache weiter so echt TOP!!!!

    Vielen Dank

    27. November 2015 09:15
    bonjour je n'arrive pas a connecter mon elm327 il le reconnais mais connèction impossible.

    par avance merci

    6. November 2015 19:24
    bought the ELM327 usb v1.5a OBDII protocols and when connected to 2002 grand cherokee 2.7crd I get error messages Not supported Engine & Not supported TCM when trying to get fault codes.... trying to find codes and clear (in limp home mode), cleaned all contacts on gear selector module and want to clear fault codes with no success :(

    2. November 2015 23:21
    Hi, I would like to thank you for your software, it is amazing!!!
    It works with my old Serial-USB ELM327 ver1.3a OBD interface on Windows7 32 bit.
    (first pluged in the ELM, let windows to install the driver to COM9, then start your Software. Choose COM9 and it worked first time!)
    Your software were able to read both Engine and transmission error codes and cleared them as well.
    Thanks again.

    29. October 2015 22:00
    Hi just to let you know your program worked fine on my 2002 grand cherokee. I had a list of fault codes resulting in limp home mode and it cleared the lot! fantastic!! thank you very much.Don't suppose you do one for the ABS system as I've had a speed sensor fail and need to clear the light after I've replaced it. Thanks again anyway.

    6. October 2015 06:42
    Dag Erik Johansen
    Windows 8.1 enterprise (USB type ELM327 adapter). Device manager named port:com3, no other ports present. Software found and connected to com3 but did not communicate With car. Renamed com3 to com1 in device manager and everything worked fine.

    7. September 2015 12:25
    (The same Tom like below)
    With the USB type of ELM adapter - it works like a charm!
    Great software - the Android version wuld be perfect add!


    29. August 2015 11:58

    So far with my BT ELM version on Win10 Dell laptop I was unable to read anything. I'm not sure if ita due to the PCELM connection or more to the ELM istelf. I can only say that with the same adapter and my cellphone I can connect to Jeep with some OBD2 apps and see basic parameters.

    I will try to oder the recommended usb version of adapter and gove it a try.
    But it would be great if this will work as Android APP with the BT adaper. It would be just perfect!


    23. August 2015 17:49
    Works like a charm with chinese ELM327-USB! Cleared 5 engine + 5 transmission fault codes just in minutes. Luckily it seems that all codes were based on temporarily weak battery. Thanks!!!

    18. August 2015 20:46
    Thank you guys, the program works fine! :-)

    14. August 2015 11:11
    Thank you guys, the program works fine !
    I buy yours elm327 recommandation, it's ok
    Have a nice day!

    8. June 2015 14:10
    At last someone made a program to clear Jeep codes. Cleared P2210 and car running again! Used Win7 and OBDLink SX Bluetooth device.
    Thank you very much.

    5. June 2015 21:44
    the program cannot open bluetooth ports and popups error window

    26. May 2015 16:21
    This is test message to see how feedback will be displayed.

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